Author Guidelines
Author’s Guide
- Manuscript submission procedure
- The publication of materials in the scientific journal Kazakhstan-Spectrum is carried out using the Open Journal System, an online submission system and peer review. Registration and access in the section submission of materials. The corresponding author shall be obliged to provide a cover letter when submitting a manuscript.
- The manuscript must be formatted in accordance with the requirements described below.
- Information about the authors is attached on a separate page with the indication of postal addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail, or the person responsible for correspondence.
- The structure of a scientific article:
Name of authors, academic title and degree, place of work, country. Co-authorship not exceeding 4 people is allowed. Complete information shall be provided for each author.
Article title – must correspond to the content of the article, the topic of research
Abstract –a brief summary of the content of the scientific article, as well as a characteristic in terms of the purpose of the article, type, form, and other features. The abstract describes the essence and the research methods used, summarizes the most important findings and their significance. The volume of the abstract is 100-200 words, made in three languages (Russian, Kazakh, English)
Keywords – text labels using which you can find an article when searching in the Internet, as well as determine the subject area of the text. The number of words from 3 to 10, made in three languages (Russian, Kazakh, English)
Introduction – a brief summary of the history of the issue with the obligatory consideration of domestic and foreign works in which similar or related studies have already been carried out over the past decades, with the formulation of the research purpose.
Research methods – new methods should be described in detail; it is enough to refer to previously published and well-known methods in the list of references, indicating the author and/or the name of the method.
Research outcomes – the main theoretical and experimental results, factual data, discovered relationships and patterns are given. At the same time, preference is given to new findings, important discoveries, conclusions that refute existing theories, as well as data of practical importance.
Discussion of the outcomes – a comparison is made with the best domestic and world analogues. Discussion points of the research are described, as well as your vision of their resolution.
Findings (conclusion) – summing up the results of the work, justification of the novelty and relevance of the research, recommendations for the application of the results.
Research funding source – departments, foundations, individuals, etc. should be placed before the reference. The names of funding organizations must be written in full.
References – links in the text are numbered in ascending textual order. Bibliographic information about the publication are drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules” (see design examples here
References to sources in the text of the article are given only in square brackets (without citation [12], when citing or retelling the author's text [12, p. 29]). References in the article are numbered according to the ordinal number of the source in the article reference list. Archival materials are not included in the list; references to them are placed in the text in parentheses. When sources from electronic resources or remote access (Internet) are used in the article, the bibliographic record of the source and a link to a network resource with a full network address on the Internet are provided in the references. It is advisable to indicate the resource’s access date.
The volume of self-citation in the manuscript should not exceed 30% of the total number of available references to the article. If these requirements are not met, the manuscript is not considered by the editors and is returned for revision.
Note. The references should be submitted in Russian and in currently accepted English transliteration. This can be done using the program listed on the website, or
Transliteration of the text according to the BSI (British Standards Institution) standard is used for the correct translation of Russian letters into Latin when filling out a bibliographic description of a scientific publication. Correct transliteration of the bibliographic list is necessary to get into foreign analytical databases //
Originality of the text of scientific article not less than 75% (the editorial board of the journal checks the uniqueness of the text using special programs).The presence of translated sources for the article is mandatory. The rules for making transliterated references can be found in Annex.
The article must not be previously published, as well as submitted for review and publication in another periodical.
It is prohibited to use methods to bypass anti-plagiarism: formula words, replacing Russian letters with Latin ones, etc. These violations are identified using software and the article is returned for revision.
- Article submission requirements
3.1. IRSTI code (Interstate rubricator for scientific and technical information) is placed in the upper left corner of the first page
3.2. Article title is formatted in capital bold letters, center alignment
3.3. Full name of the author (s) is formatted in bold letters, left alignment (full data, no abbreviations)
Authors' data: position, academic title, academic degree (name of institution, city): left alignment, no abbreviations allowed
If there are several authors, a digital index is affixed to each surname and the corresponding institution. If all authors of the article work in one institution, it is not necessary to indicate the place of work of each author separately, it is enough to indicate the institution once.
Zhanna Karimova1, Marat Absattarov2
1Head of the Socio-Economic Research Department of the Kazakh Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, sociologist PhD
2 Legal Counsel of Science Foundation JSC of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Juridical Sciences
4.5.The volume of the article:
The volume of a scientific-theoretical, scientific-analytical, review article is from 8 to 18 sheets of machine text along with figures, tables
The volume of a scientific-theoretical, scientific-analytical, review article is from 8 to 18 sheets of machine text along with figures, tables, and graphs. The maximum number of article elements – figures, tables, and graphs – should not exceed 6.
3.4. Technical requirements
Text files should be submitted in Word format (versions 6.0 and later) or rtf.
Font – Times New Roman, size – 14pt,
Line spacing – 1.0 spacing, one column.
Fields: all sides – 2 cm.
Tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals and have a descriptive title. Numerical measurements (units) must be included in the column heading.
Figures (graphs, drawings, etc.) are made in black and white or high-quality color. Figures should have short titles that accurately describe the depiction in the figures. Illustrations should not contain the titles of figures. Regardless of the graphics type, figures must be of high resolution, not lower than 600 dpi. The maximum size of figures is 120 × 210 mm. Do not use in the article scanned graphic materials or taken from the Internet. Tables, figures, formulas should not contain discrepancies in the designation of symbols, signs. Figures and tables should be referenced.