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akim, elections, appointment, executive power, heads of administrative-territorial units, citizens, reforms

How to Cite

Berkutova Е., & Onuchko М. (2024). FEATURES OF HOLDING THE POSITION OF HEADS OF LOCAL ADMINISTRATIONS IN KAZAKHSTAN AND KOREA. Kazakhstan-Spectrum, 111(3). https://doi.org/10.52536/2415-8216.2024-3.06


The Institute of Heads of local administrations, akims, plays a central role in the system of local authorities in Kazakhstan. Akims act as representatives of the president and the government, combine the powers of local government with the functions of self-government. Akims make key decisions on the strategic and economic development of their region or locality, which explains the special attention paid by the authorities and local residents to the formation of the institution of heads of local administrations. The article provides a retrospective analysis of the mechanisms through which akims have held their positions in Kazakhstan since 1991. As part of the application of comparative and institutional methods, the experience of the Republic of Korea in this matter has been studied to identify similarities, differences and develop recommendations.

The practical significance of the study is due to the ongoing changes to the existing system of holding the position of akims in Kazakhstan. The study showed that the formation of the institution of heads of local administrations directly depends on the political regime, political and economic processes in the country, and the activity of citizens. Kazakhstan and Korea are united by the desire to introduce direct elections of these employees at a certain stage of their development after the practice of their appointment and indirect election. However, this development was not linear, and initiatives to hold elections of heads of local executive authorities were temporarily curtailed. In Kazakhstan, reforms have been launched from the lower, rural, management level. In Korea, the system at the regional and municipal levels changed synchronously, the update took place in full and at the same time.

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