The regulation of the restructuring employment processes that occurs in the course of the development of the economy and the evolution of its structure should be based on the selection of sectoral priorities and be accompanied by an assessment of this process in terms of its compliance with the needs of the development of progressive types of economic activity. In this regard, the problem of elaborating methodological approaches that ensure the orderliness and controllability of the process of restructuring employment, including objectifying the choice of progressive industries and assessing the quality of shifts in the sectoral structure of employment, is highly relevant. The article substantiates approaches to identifying sectoral priorities for restructuring employment based on the criteria of economic efficiency and involvement in the implementation of government programs and also proposes a sequential process for evaluating the quality of shifts in employment based on their compliance with the selected sectoral priorities. Within the framework of the proposed approaches, using the example of the labor market in Kazakhstan, the results obtained are presented, such as a sequence of analytical actions to determine the range of priority sectors, a matrix for identifying sectoral priorities for employment, a scheme for implementing a methodological approach to assessing the quality of shifts in the sectoral structure of employment. On the basis of the proposed approaches, an assessment of the quality of shifts in the sectoral structure of employment in Kazakhstan was carried out and conclusions were drawn about the insufficient correspondence of these shifts to the priorities of the country's economic development.
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